3D printing No. 1, 2021 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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3D printing No. 1, 2021

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3D printing No. 1, 2021

Cover / Editorial / Content / Dental 3D printing adoption across Asia Pacific / 3D printing in dentistry: Fraunhofer bringing future technologies into the present / 3D printing in dentistry: Future-proof technology? / 3D printing: Changing the game / 3D printing promotes individuality and creativity / “Digital technologies are fundamentally changing the dynamics of our industry” / “3D printing in dentistry is much more than just a new technology”- An interview with Patrick Thurm, managing director and general manager for Europe at SprintRay / Fast, affordable and aesthetic 3D-printed dental restorations - An interview with Thomas Kwiedor, head of business development for 3D printing at BEGO / How 3D printing has transformed dental care / “Our service meets all of the needs that arise in the dental clinic and laboratory” - An interview with Riccardo Molinelli / Printing clear aligners in-house— how accessible is it? / Digital orthodontics company raises funds for 3D-printed brackets / Fully digital workflow for producing an individual occlusal splint / News / Guided applications for partial extraction therapy / GC Temp PRINT—a versatile material / A fully digital workflow in implant and restorative dentistry / Manufacturer news / International events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
