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Stay up to date and find out more about Straumann. This section covers the latest news about the company as well as previews and reviews from upcoming and recent events and congresses.

Più webinar, più lingue: la piattaforma dentale e-learning del gruppo Straumann cresce

BASILEA, Svizzera: Per continuare a progredire nelle cure dentistiche attraverso la formazione, il Gruppo Straumann ha ampliato la sua piattaforma educativa...


Más webinars, más idiomas: La plataforma de e-learning dental del Grupo Straumann crece

BASEL, Suiza: Con el fin de seguir avanzando en la atención dental a través de la educación odontológica, el Grupo Straumann ha ampliado su plataforma ...


More webinars, more languages: Straumann Group’s dental e-learning platform grows

BASEL, Switzerland: In order to continue advancing dental care through dental education, the Straumann Group has expanded its global educational online ...


Straumann Live-Tutorial am 18. Oktober zu vollkeramischen Implantaten

LEIPZIG - Im Live-Tutorial am 18. Oktober 2019 um 14 Uhr demonstriert Dr. Ulf Meisel anhand eines Fallbeispiels den komplett metallfreien Workflow einer ...


Straumann Webinar: Implantatsystem BLX im Fokus

Kann ein Implantatsystem mehr Möglichkeiten bieten? In einem anstehenden Webinar wird diese Frage näher beleuchtet, denn moderne Implantatdesigns fordern ...


Straumann Group and Modern Dental Group join forces to serve customers in Hong Kong and Macau

BASEL, Switzerland/HONG KONG, China: The Straumann Group, a global leader in implant and aesthetic dentistry, and Modern Dental Group, a leading global ...


Straumann präsentiert Webinar zur Anwendung von Knochenersatzmaterialien

Die Referenten Prof. Dr. Dr. Knut Grötz und Dr. Dr. Eik Schiegnitz geben in einem kostenfreien Webinar Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen zum Thema ...


ITI Congress India 2019 is poised to become the largest implant meeting ever: Dr Nikhil Deshpande

The International Team of Implantology ITI Congress India 2019 presents an excellent opportunity to listen to the global leaders in implantology - Stephen ...


Conventional and immediate loading with final n!ce screw-retained crowns

Thanks to the very high accuracy of modern intra-oral scanners, excellent design software and reliable production systems, restoring an implant with a ...


Straumann Group announces two appointments to its executive management team

BASEL, Switzerland: The Straumann Group recently announced two executive management appointments that become effective on 1 January 2020. Robert Woolley, ...


Straumann results show buoyancy in digital and implants segments

BASEL, Switzerland: The Straumann Group has posted strong financial results for the first half of 2019, with organic revenue up around 16%. Founding new ...


Straumann launches first season of StraumannPLAY

BASEL, Switzerland: Straumann has recently launched StraumannPLAY, a new-format digital platform, created by peers for peers and designed for sharing ...


Straumann BLX implant: First human case study yields positive results for molar replacement

BASEL, Switzerland: Straumann is pleased to report the very positive results of the first human case study to track the condition and progress of a patient ...


ITI-Webinar: Sofortimplantate und Sofortversorgung im ästhetischen Bereich

In einem kostenfreien Webinar, präsentiert durch das ITI (International Team for Implantology), werden die unterschiedlichen Restaurationsmöglichkeiten in...


Dental implant system Straumann BLX now available in Europe

BASLE, Switzerland: Straumann is pleased to offer its new Straumann BLX implant system across the whole of Europe. The next-generation solution for ...
