cosmetic dentistry international No. 1, 2016 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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cosmetic dentistry international No. 1, 2016

Ostatni numer

cosmetic dentistry international No. 1, 2016

Cover / Editorial / Content / An innovative adhesive luting protocol / Between BOPT and BTA: A case report on shaping the gingival contour around tooth-supported restorations by means of provisional resin crowns / Utilising smile design software and CAD/CAM for creating a mock-up and final restorations / Conservative smile design for the general dentist / Interview: We will be able to treat pretty much everything in the future / Light and the biological clock / What do our teeth betray about us?—Part II / Eleven tips for success in your dental clinic - Part I: SWOT analysis and loyal patients / News / Meetings / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
